Employability Programme
Our Employability programme offers tailored support and sector-based skill development. Our training is delivered in bite size sessions in the community, supporting individuals to gain practical skills and knowledge, in order to increase their chances of finding employment. Each session is tailored to individual learning needs and can be adapted to support learners at various stages of their journey in seeking employment.
Our training is aimed at:
- Improving people’s quality of Life.
- Supporting local workforce and skills development.
- Supporting Digital Inclusion.
- Supporting community sustainability.
Our programmes are flexible, and we offer learners a range of courses within our Employability programme.
The Agency
The reason for setting up our Employment Agency alongside our Employability programme was to ensure that we provided a direct route into employment. The Agency provides an all-round support package for people entering into employment for the first time or after a long time. We wanted to ensure that through the Agency, people who had participated or accessed our employability training programme, had a real job opportunity at the end of it, by being directly employed by our Agency to enjoy paid employment in a supported environment. Many of our learners who accessed our employability training programmes went on to enjoy paid employment, with ourselves as well as with our clients, with many gaining further promotions.
Joe’s Success Story
Joe was encouraged to join our Employability programme by his support worker. It was difficult at first for Joe to adapt, but with encouragement he was able to get more involved with discussions and interactions with group activities. After the training he expressed an interest in doing administration for as part of his work experience placement. We then offered Joe an opportunity to do his work placement with us mentored by our Recruitment Manager Sinead.
Joe successfully completed the course and received a certificate as well as being nominated for an Award. At the end of his work placement, her the singed up to do Voluntary work with us whilst he was applying for work. Doing volunteering was great for his confidence and personal development and it helped him in so many ways.
Joe successfully gained full time employment, doing something that he wanted to do, working for a Housing Charity in an administration role. Up until he got this job, he was applying for many jobs, easily in the hundreds, with little or no success till now. He has learned to be resilient, and to keep trying especially when things are at their toughest as there are pressures from all angles such as bills, budgets and the work programme and the added stress such things brings when your health and wellbeing are at its lowest. Trying to keep a positive attitude and believe things will improve takes longer than you would expect, but eventually things fall into place.
“If you are thinking of doing the course, I would recommend it and you never know, it could be the thing you need to kick start positive things happening in your life. Thank you all and I wish you all every success in the future”. Joe
“I have mentored Joe and have seen him apply for hundreds of applications and become disheartened from not hearing anything back. Joe’s main goal in life was to get back to work and come off benefits, he has now achieved this. I could not be happier for him”. Sinead
Corporate Recruitment and Training
As our profits generated through our business model and used to fund various social value activities in the communities in which we operate, clients who use our services are able to meet their corporate social responsibility by simply purchasing our products, as by doing this, they too are supporting us to raise much needed funding for us to be able to deliver key services in their communities.
To see more about what we fund, please see our community projects page
To read more about the services ASE Recruitment and Training provide and how we can help you meet any of your staffing requirements please visit https://aserecruitment.co.uk/
To make a donation, we are able to process online donations through our Business PayPal account using our sames@adullam.org.uk email address. Or visit our donations page for more information
Get in touch
If you want to find out more about us, or volunteer, then get in touch with us.